The Plant Based Scout
Discover more about plant-based nutrition
Together with our creative director, Lauren Wildbolz, we launch a new content series around the topic
of plant-based nutrition. You can look forward to fascinating articles that deliver background
information, myths & facts and innovations from the world of vegan nutrition and discover how they
link to long-term nutrition of the global population.
Who is Lauren Wildbolz?
Since founding Future Cuisine, the well-known Zurich-based vegan culinary expert Lauren Wildbolz has focused on pure plant-based cuisine. She imparts her in-depth knowledge as a speaker and panelist, offers gastro training to restaurants and hotels, produces her own videos and is currently working on her third book.
Lauren Wildbolz swore off eating meat at the age of 14. She cut her last ties to animal mass
production at 27 by opting for a vegan lifestyle. She opened Switzerland's first ever vegan restaurant in 2010 and is inspired by the vision that mainstream society is ready for a diet without suffering and a more sustainable approach to nature. She has been running an upmarket catering business since 2012 and graduated with a Master of Fine Arts degree from Zurich University of the Arts in 2015. Her artistic output revolves around food waste, among other things. One of her long-term projects concerns "The future of food".
Eat colourful, live healthier: a week with 30 varieties of plant
Science knows it: the human body functions better if it obtains its nourishment and nutrients from as wide a selection…
Is veganism healthy?
Humans are more than just a body – billions and billions of bacteria live in and on us helping, for…
The more plants you eat, the clearer your belly thinks
Humans are more than just a body – billions and billions of bacteria live in and on us helping, for…
Sport and vegan nutrition: a great team
A purely plant-based diet is no hurdle when it comes to peak athletic performance. We know this not only from…
Protein-rich diet without meat – a 2000-year-old trend
Meat has established itself in our cuisine as the standard when it comes to protein, even though it was the…
Vitamin B12: A resolvable problem
Vitamin B12, as vitamin research discovered many years ago, is vital for the human body, but it is also rare,…