Our Health starts from what we eat!

28. Aug 2023 Guest entry from: Tenute Sedita - Sahara Seidita

Our health begins with what we eat, and Tenute Seidita has been fully dedicated for more than 100 years, over three generations of olive oil makers, to the growth and production of what has always been considered a key ingredient of the Mediterranean diet: Extra virgin olive oil.

Did you know that... besides being an extremely tasty ingredient in and on your food, a good extra virgin olive oil also offers beneficial properties that improve the body’s functionality, for example, by reducing the risk of cardiovascular and age-related neurodegenerative diseases, as well as helping to lower cholesterol.

But hold on, there’s more! It can also have a positive impact on the outside of your body too. As a great moisturiser and nourisher, it helps to maintain the skin’s elasticity and reduce signs of ageing. And it can also help you lose weight. What more could you wish for!

Meet Gioacchino and members of his team! He used his experience, tradition, innovation and a passion for his trade to transform a small olive oil mill from 1922 into a thriving business that now also boasts an online presence. One key focus has always been for him and his family to grow olives with a respect for nature by reducing the use of pesticides, exploiting the natural fertility of the soil and ensuring that the entire production takes place exclusively within their territory at km 0.

This third-generation family business is located on the south-west coast of Sicily within the commune of Castelvetrano, a part of the Island renowned for its unique olive cultivar Nocellara del Belice, a variety that only grows in the Belice Valley and the business’s main resource. You may ask, what makes this variety so unique?

  • It‘s one of the largest olives in the world, easily recognisable by its plump, round shape.
  • It’s an extremely fleshy olive that detaches easily from the stone.
  • It’s famous for its mild, slightly sweet taste.
  • Early harvesting means it retains its vibrant green colour.

It’s a versatile olive that can be used both for oil and the table; the oil is fruity, aromatic and delicate.

Century-old methods that are still used today
At Tenute Seidita, the year is divided into two main seasons: Harvesting and production takes place from September to December, while the remaining eight months are dedicated to ensuring that the trees grow healthier and stronger. The groves are fertilised annually using organic products, ensuring the preservation of the land and the production of premium-quality olives.

Situated on a flat plain at 400 m.a.s.l, the almost 100-hectare grove is home to some 15’000 trees, most of which are of the Nocellara del Belice variety, 30% of these are over 100 years old. The climate is mild and the soil, characterised by its red colour, has a clayey-sandy texture.

Preserving the essence of the past while embracing modern innovation
Harvesting takes place from the second half of September and lasts about a month and a half. Only green olives are harvested, these are hand-picked at the peak of their ripeness and processed within 12 hours to capture their fullest flavours.

The olives are selected and washed. Those destined to become table olives are put in drums with water and salt, while those chosen to become extra virgin olive oil follow a longer process.

They are cold-pressed using state-of-the-art machinery, which ensures that the oil retains its freshness, aroma, and nutritional value. The remaining paste is kneaded and passed into a three-phase centrifugal decanter. After being stored in stainless steel vats at a controlled temperature, the extra virgin olive oil is ready for bottling.

It is important for Gioacchino that customers feel as if they got their product directly from the tree, which why storage is a key aspect and bottling only occurs when an order is placed.

Thanks to its wide range of health benefits and culinary uses, olive oil consumption is on the increase worldwide. In Switzerland, the consumption of olive oil has steadily increased, with a current per capita consumption of around 1.9 litres versus approximately 2.3 liters in the European Union.

Perhaps after having reading about Tenute Seidita we’ll see a surge in olive oil consumption among the Swiss population! Take a look at their website or follow them on Instagram.

*A big thank you to Sahara Seidita and Tenute Seidita for the article!