Visual knowledge about soil-conscious agriculture and more enjoyable nutrition with a focus on the digestive system: our video library is a continually expanding collection of nourishing articles about future food.
farmer's table
farmer's table #6 Madlaina Erni - VITICOLTURA E VINI Rohner Erni
The sixth episode of the farmer's table took us to Madlaina Erni and her VITICOLTURA E VINI Rohner Erni in…
farmer's table #5 NATURGUT KATZHOF
In the fifth episode of "Farmer's Table," we visit Markus Schwegler and Claudia Meierhans at their NaturGut Katzhof. This farm…
farmer's fable #4 Hinterhof Metzgerei
In the fourth farmer's table episode, Michael Vogt, founder of Hinterhof Metzgerei, talks about his career change, his motivation, his…
farmer's table #3 David de Brito - Terramay
In the third part of our farmer`s table video series, David de Brito takes us to Alentejo, Portugal, where he’s…
farmer's table #2 Fabio Müller - Kuro & Mein Schwein
The second part of our video series focusses on farmer Fabio Müller from Kuro and Mein Schwein. Fabio explains what…
farmer's table #1 Joel Salatin - Polyface farm
Well-known US farmer, author (of 12 books!) and award-winning speaker Joel Salatin gives Soil to Soul a tour of his…